Friday, 19 November 2010

22nd November 12pm.

I am very very much looking forward to the exhibition of every ones shrines on Monday!
The front windows of our building are covered with our posters and it looks amazing, every ones work is just so good!

Further research.

'Bling bling' building.69 Hanover Street, Liverpool L1.  architect - Piers Gough, principal occupier Herbets Hairdressing salon and school.
Piers Gough has said that he wanted a building that would match the personality of Herbert Howe, Inside, the salon is fitted out in glass and marble, outside the building has a curved curtain wall with green tinted glass and three projecting 'pods'. The pods are made from stone which has been vermiculated and it is intended that with weathering this will give a leopard-skin effect over time.

Philipa's Patch.

As part of my course i have to create a website called Philipa's patch in which i have to introduce the company, promote and validate the company, increase their revenue, promote special offers and events and also integrate with social media.
Including the following pages...
  • homepage with an introduction to the company and an embedded animation or film piece and social media links.
  • about/gallery page with detailed biography.
  • products and services page including download able PDF.
  • contact page.
  • logo you have designed.
  • a banner which includes illustrative content.
  • 4 navigation links (home, about, products, services, contact page).

The bar has recently gone undergone a full refurbishment and the business also has new chef named Henri Amouse Bouche and his new menu. They have also started a weekly wine club and a Monday night there are special offers on prices for meals and drinks and a once monthly Tuesday singles night.
The company also needs a new logo which should reflect their homely style and the proprietors love of France and its wine and cuisine.
The website should also include a motion piece (animation or video), photos of the proprietor, photos of the bar and dining area, the new chef and a map. The website is also in need of a blog section where the proprietor can post photos and news about the wine tasting events. The menus should also be available to download and there should also be a highly visible 'daily specials' sections which is going to change on a day to day basis.

I am going to start this project researching into local wine bars and look at the menus provided and the style of most wine bars and how i could adapt the styles.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


I have researched into some of the architecture within Liverpool, the historic and the contemporary.
For the historic architecture i have looked into the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral and for the contemporary the 'bling, bling building'. I am planning to visit Liverpool to take photos of both these buildings and also gather more information on them.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Week 8


Received my second assignment today! and I'm really excited to make a start on this one.

I am required to design a series of page layouts for a publication named '1329 acres' for my chosen area (this being Liverpool). I have three categories from which to base the content of my publication on...
  •  music
  • the arts
  • architecture
It was a toss between either music or architecture but in the end chose architecture as i had more ideas for this category. The publicatipn will consist of three double page spreads, including my own content and imagery for these spreads. My pages must also contain the following information...

  • 1x historical piece of information
  • 1x contemporary piece of information
  • 1x detail of a personal experience
I will also have to consider how i will make my publication... either by hand, designed by hand and scanned in and worked on further in In Design or digitally.
The publication includes a front page and a back page too, the front page showcasing an aspect of the content within and a title...and the back page i have to design an advert that promotes an event within the Liverpool regeneration scheme, which again has to reflect my chosen theme.

Friday, 12 November 2010


I have officially handed in all of my work for my first project, woooop! But before i handed it in i managed to scan in a few examples of the typography i have created in the style of Eduardo Recife and have then used in my posters for the glorify section of the project.

Examples below...

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Week 7


After researching into different artists for the 'glorify' part of my project and also brainstorming various ideas, i have now finally decided what ways i want to advertise my shrine and the styles in which i want to do this.
I am going to create three posters in the style of Eduardo Recife and also Stefan Sagmeister, once i have done this i am then going to also create an invitation, using rocks and pasting the detials of the event using image maker. I am going to produce all my own typography in the style of Eduardo Recife for my first poster, which will include photos of part of my shrine taken from different angles.

Friday, 5 November 2010


After a successful day of research my head is now full of ideas of many many ways in which i could advertise and promote my shrine for my object.

Such as...

invitations (containing details of the event, then handing out to the public)
posters (collage, create in photoshop scanning in images relevant/photos)
rocks ( make out of paper mache and chicken wire or use real rocks and image maker details on)
3d objects - invitations ( paper mache rocks made from chicken wire and design so that it can be opened to show the details hidden inside)
3d typography (write letters onto individual rocks, masking tape words onto objects etc... and then photograph and develop into a poster)

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Before i could even think of starting this stage of my project i started looking for ideas and inspiration of different techniques in which i could advertise my shrine. I began by looking through one of Stefan Sagmeisters books 'Things i have learned in my life so far', which consists of typography varying in different forms and has been published all over the world in spaces normally reserved for advertising or promotions such as billboards and magazine spreads.

Below are some examples of pieces work from his book...

Sarah Fanelli.

I also looked at work from Sarah Fanelli for inspiration, who is known for illustrating childrens books.
Below is an example of the style of her work.

Eduardo Recife.

Another artist which i found inspiration from was Eduardo Recife, as his work consists of mainly very detailed collages and also very detailed typography, which i thought i could use and develop into my own work when creating my posters, invitations etc. Below are some examples of his work...

Week 6


As part of the third section of my project i have to glorify my shrine. This consists of promoting and advertising my shrine in different ways, so that members of the public will come to view my shrine on the 22nd of November ( date in which it is being displayed).

Week 5


Below are two images i have taken of the stages of making my shrine.
The left is the rock shape which i have moulded from chicken wire and the right in the wire being covered in a mix of pva and newspaper to create a smoother, paintable surface to work with.

The next two images below are of a selection of my completed rocks, which have been painted and also include images of me and my sister, that have been printed on using image maker.

Now that i have finally! finished my shrine, with a total of around 15 rocks all i have to do now is GLORIFY them, moving on to the third section of my project.

Week 4


It seems like ageees since I've posted on here, it probably is! I've just been so busy these past few days! So I'm having to back track a little I'm afraid.

Right! moving on to the second part of my project 'deify' where i had to create a shrine for my object, treating it as though its a God. I had many ideas, but in the end decided in creating a formation of rocks, using chicken wire to form and mould the rock shapes, then covering the chicken wire in a mixture of newspaper and pva glue. When the newspaper had dried i then painted grey, to look some what like rocks. Once this was complete i then collected photographs of myself and my sister, symbolising our relationship and printed the photos onto the rocks using image maker. Finally once i managed to scrub away all the image maker, i scribbled the numbers 2-18 (the years i have had my object for) using white and a pale brown chalk.

Rock formations which i got my inspiration from.